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For This Bird

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2005,
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 12/21/07; 6:16:46 PM
Msg# 5382 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5381/5383
Reads 1401

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angel dearest, answer me true, was there something i didn't do

all that time invested in you for this bird

tell me princess, where did i stray, private schooling, you did okay

now you plan to throw it away for this bird

if he's so smart, when does he start

building a home for two

life in a flat, that's where it's at for him

not for you

darling daughter, listen to me, don't be hast'ning just to be free

free to feel, to think, and to see for this bird


father dear, if only you knew, all the things my honey can do

maybe then you'd soften your view for this bird

what he lacks in chattel and bonds, i fear not for looking beyond

don't begrudge me how i respond for this bird

please understand, i didn't plan

growing with grace and style

now if i may, i gotta say it's time

i could smile

so, sweet pater, listen to me

if that means it's you or it's he

take this number, that's where i'll be

for this bird

la la, la la, la-la-la la... for this bird

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Last update: Friday, December 21, 2007 at 6:20 PM.