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Stop Awhile

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2001
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 12/19/07; 6:57:33 PM
Msg# 5381 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5380/5382
Reads 1456

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youíre running so hard you canít keep up

burning your candle outside in

while beating a path from failing love ñ

got to make sure it never befalls you again

oh, stop awhile, put out your fears and smile

running just ainít your style

darling, stop awhile

youíre driving yourself beyond your reach

losing more ground with every stride

the lesson is yours to learn, not teach

and someone you know is longing to serve as your guide

oh, stop awhile, give up this vain denial

would you be standing trial

just to stop awhile

rising so fast and falling stray

thatís how they play their game

watching you lose your mind that way

wouldnít it be a crying shame, so

rid all your sorrows, rest your soul

love wasnít meant to bring you down

and when it returns your way, behold

there iíll be standing, waiting to squire you around

oh, stop awhile, show me a favoring smile

and on our secluded isle

we can stop awhile

rid all your sorrows, rest your soul

love wasnít meant to bring you down

and when it returns your way, behold

there iíll be standing, waiting to squire you around

oh, stop awhile, show me a favoring smile

and on our secluded isle

we can stop awhile

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Last update: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 6:57 PM.