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Author ray gambel
Posted 2/11/06; 2:35:16 PM
Topic Good King Wenceslas
Msg# 4736 (in response to 4113)
Prev/Next 4735/4737
Reads 1000

I am a sort of disabled guy (Rt hand can strum poorly or play one piano note at a time while average lefy hand does harmony. I am getting into trying to write songs, so I sat down and wrote out progressions from bunches of songs and then transposed to C.

Obviously, what I came up with was

C to G or C to F to G or C to Am to F to G and so forth with the added note C could interrupt any peogression like

C  Am   C  F   C G if you needed that many changes and if it worked to my ear.

And the C dm em FG Am B(dim) what ever that last chord means. I have no clue.

Okay, I'd like to go farther maybe writing the melody first which I guess is what you're supposed to do. Any suggestions as to where I should go from here. (Insane asylum accepted)? After all, aren't I pretty close to where the Beatles were when they started in terms of music knowledge?

Should I just plink stuff out on keyboard getting a melody and trying to find the right number of progressions to make it work. Sort of like "Scrambled eggs" became Yesterday with what G B7 progression to start?


I'm sure I'm where a lot of non music people are (at).


Any suggestions, please.

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Last update: Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 2:35 PM.