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Just Desserts

Composer Nina Beck    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2005,
Submitted by Nina
Posted 2/7/06; 2:41:00 PM
Msg# 4735 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4734/4736
Reads 1028

Sorry - mine is a scanned chart of a Dixieland tune - no music to listen to, but you can play it and bring it to life yourself.  It has fun lyrics - but I didn't want to list them as I have not copywritten this via D.C. yet - just wrote the song at the end of Jan., 2006!! - But the first 2 lines are:  Apple pie and ice cream and a little whipped cream on top / Chocolate sundaes covered up with sprinkles and a cherry pop! get the idea.  Toward the end it says Yes I know that they could hurt me / But I could do much worse - / So I've decided, at least for awhile, I'll eat Just Desserts!!...You can get the idea of how it goes - a very fun, novelty song!!...I'm in a 7-piece, all-girl Dixieland band and the singer is starting to learn it and really gets a kick out of it.  Enjoy,

Nina Beck

Just Desserts: <P>Sorry - mine is a scanned chart of a Dixieland tune - no music to listen to, but you can play it and bring it to life yourself.  It has fun lyrics - but I didn't want to list them as I have not copywritten this via D.C. yet - just wrote the song at the end of Jan., 2006!! - But the first 2 lines are:  Apple pie and ice cream and a little whipped cream on top / Chocolate sundaes covered up with sprinkles and a cherry pop! get the idea.  Toward the end it says Yes I know that they could hurt me / But I could do much worse - / So I've decided, at least for awhile, I'll eat Just Desserts!!...You can get the idea of how it goes - a very fun, novelty song!!...I'm in a 7-piece, all-girl Dixieland band and the singer is starting to learn it and really gets a kick out of it.  Enjoy,</P>  <P>Nina Beck</P>

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Last update: Tuesday, February 7, 2006 at 2:56 PM.