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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 1/18/06; 4:49:23 PM
Topic Imrovisation on the changes of All The Things You Are
Msg# 4679 (in response to 4678)
Prev/Next 4678/4680
Reads 1188


  Thanks for the humour .. or did you actually take the time to detect and write about a tiny note of dissonace in an off-the-cuff improvisation ??  Seriously, I applaud your finely tuned ear but I fear you do not yet understand the scope or intent of true improvs .. and If you'd like,  I can send you a second version on the same tune that Bernie whipped up one morning  ( perhaps before breakfast !! )

  Be good and enjoy , Chas

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Last update: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 4:49 PM.