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Author charles pirozzi
Posted 1/18/06; 7:22:42 AM
Topic Imrovisation on the changes of All The Things You Are
Msg# 4678 (in response to 3904)
Prev/Next 4677/4679
Reads 1272

this is beautiful music indeed and I agree it seems to be a most perfectly written song . While listening to the head I seemed to detect a little disonant chord on the word DIVINE.Maybe it is my ear at fault but in the improve version the chord which sits onDIVINE seems To fit better . I may be wrong  please feel free to  correct me.For what it is worth , and in no way do I have the knowledge that these musicians have .At that same point I beleive I use a chord voicing taken from bill evans  HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN, he calls it a G7b9 with B  Ab  in the left hand  and D G in the right.please feel free to critique  thx charlie

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Last update: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 7:22 AM.