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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/9/03; 3:54:03 PM
Topic Ramble over 6 Strings
Msg# 3874 (in response to 2793)
Prev/Next 3873/3875
Reads 1559

As a guitarist having musically progressed to the point of becoming infected with the Barney Kessel bug, for the next few weeks / months, I will be putzing around with this original piece from Maestro Chinn. Hopefully, something of value to the site will emerge. Dave is being most helpful here and for the umpteenth time, I'd like to mention how much we owe our fearless leader...plenty ! Take heart : Bernard Chinn is aware of my meddlesome nature and I promise to post snipets of this piece only with his permission.


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Last update: Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 3:58 PM.