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Author David Luebbert
Posted 10/7/03; 2:45:42 PM
Msg# 3873 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3872/3874
Reads 1845

Hi Nappy,

I'm an aspiring composer also. The section of the site entitled Our Composers is what you are looking for. Once you are signed up as a SongTrellis member. you can submit the MIDI file for one of your compositions using the "Submit a new sound" link that appears at the bottom of the Song Discussions page. After you've filled out the submission form,  which wants to know the title of the piece, the composer's name, the copyright notice, any descriptive text,  and the location of the MIDI sequence on your hard disk, you press the Submit button at the bottom of the form.

Your composition will be recorded in the Song Discussions calendar for the day. Also, two listings of your compositions will be created, one which
shows your tune titles with your descriptive text, and another which lists only the titles of these tunes. Links to both of these are added to the Our Composers list and are indexed by your name. The name that appears in the list is whatever alias you may have used when you signed on as a SongTrellis member, so consider alias usage carefully if you would like your compositions listed under your actual name.

If you check out Our Composers you'll see that we have 20 or so folks
currently listed. It would be great to add you to that number.

I don't censor or ask for changes in the compositions that folks submit. If they are proud of their work and are willing to present it to the public under their own name, I'm willing to give it a place on SongTrellis.

 There is one excepton to my welcoming attitude towards original work. If the person submitting a work is not the copyright holder, I will supress their posting until it's possible to get permission from the copyright holder to present it on SongTrellis without paying licensing fees.

Best wishes,

Dave Luebbert

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Last update: Tuesday, October 7, 2003 at 2:45 PM.