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Author David Luebbert
Posted 10/30/02; 9:43:30 PM
Topic 7-19-02 Colorado Springs To Boulder
Msg# 3023 (in response to 3020)
Prev/Next 3022/3024
Reads 1386


  That's an interesting reaction. I invented the greater part of the chord progression as we were driving north on I-225 through the eastside industrial area. I started doing the melody as we turned west on I-70 before getting on I-270. I finished it by time we got to the Boulder outskirts. Those industrial surroundings might account for the quasi-space alien beginning.

  I was actually thrilled at how the tune turned out. I hadn't done much with that particular constellation of chord types (7#5, 7Alt, mi11, 6/9, MA7) moving chromatically and stepwise. It was cool to find a sensible sounding melody line in the midst of that minefield of changes.

  I'm not sure it's possible to ascribe a key signature to the tune. It explores two different ways to depart from Eb7#5-E7Alt. One path ends in BbMajor, the other ends in Ab Major/F minor using Bb Major as a way station. It's wierd how removing the Fmi11 in bar three totally changes the Bb major sound from being a destination and transforms it into a ramp that leads to a different place.

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Last update: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 1:46 PM.