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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/30/02; 5:29:51 PM
Topic 7-19-02 Colorado Springs To Boulder
Msg# 3020 (in response to 2709)
Prev/Next 3019/3021
Reads 1539


May we assume the emotional context of this piece reflects your feelings toward the wretched suburban sprawl along that portion of the east slope?

I used to live there and if so,  I share the emotion.

Peter Seeger's  ' Little Boxes'  (title?)  also said it well.  Who else could have legitimatized the abjective phrase,  'ticky tacky'.  Only a songwriter.

I started working up an alfasoup version of this tune.   With... G, Gma7, G6, G#dim6, Ami7, D7, Ami7sus, D7....  I like it but I'll stop and wait to see if you have an honest key and version.   Chas..


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