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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 9/27/02; 9:07:20 PM
Topic Pain in left hand
Msg# 2892 (in response to 2890)
Prev/Next 2891/2893
Reads 1497


I'm very happy to know you've found this site and are a new member. You've come to the right place.

Most of my playing is Jazz also..on nylon Classical.  I've never heard of  'sky laufen' but I'll try a google search.

  In the meantime, I have raised the neck to a more vertical position as I play.  I'm guessing this reduces the stretching required by the tendons of the left I now warm up with gentle tunes like the Summertime arrangement fron David's 'Changes' page.  Seems to help.

 I also have blood circulation problems in my left hand from old winter mountain climbing mishaps and that may be contributing to the problem.  Your suggestion of better warm-up exercises make complete sense.  Muchas Gracias and Welcome to the Trellis !

Hope to hear more from you,  Charles 

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Last update: Friday, September 27, 2002 at 9:07 PM.