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Author jlsf
Posted 9/26/02; 4:31:07 AM
Topic Pain in left hand
Msg# 2890 (in response to 2884)
Prev/Next 2889/2891
Reads 1984

Dear Schoonmaker:

I recently had something similar (I play jazz guitar) due to -we could discover after much search- the practice of sky (sky laufen). The remedy: recovering exercices, and -after feeling completly well- stretching program before and after and a whole lot of easy playing to "get hot" before playing serously. Both, recovering, stretching and warm-up¥s are easily found on Internet; regretfully I do not have printed info. as I know all these by heart. The use of a rubber ball to strenght your fingers and wrist is also recommended.

Should you get better sollution in the meantime -I just joined SongTrellis today- please, let me know.


JosÈ Luis Sevillano




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