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Author sid thomas
Posted 7/25/01; 1:11:30 AM
Topic Toasted
Msg# 2032 (in response to 2022)
Prev/Next 2031/2033
Reads 1723

Joe - glad you liked them.  Here are the changes and the thinking behind them - Sid

Toasted changes:

All chords are over a pedal D. Bar lines represented by [.  Multiple chords in a bar separated by :

[ A [ A [ E5b [ E5b [
[ Cmaj7 [ Cmaj7 [ Bbmaj75#: Bbmaj7 5b [ Bbmaj7 5b [
[ Cmaj7 [ Cmaj7 [ Bbmaj75#: Bbmaj7 5b [ Bbmaj7 5b [
[ Fmaj7 [ Ebmaj7: Fmaj7 [ Ebmaj7 [ Ebmaj7 [ etc.

The changes relate to the following scales:
Bars 1 and 2 - D maj (or D lydian if you prefer, which I do sometimes)
Bars 3 and 4 - F melodic minor (ascending) or D whole-tone
Bars 5, 6, 9 and 10 - G maj (or one of its modes, eg C lydian)
Bars 7, 8, 11 and 12 - G melodic minor (ascending)
Bars 13 and half of 14 - C maj (or a mode)
Half of 14 and bars 15, 16 - Bb maj (or a mode)

Since a scale is just a spread chord built of seconds, pretty nearly ANY combination of notes from the scale (including all of them at the same time!) will be a usable chord voicing in the corresponding bar.  That's the principle I was testing to destruction in this number.

Spinach changes:

Each bar is 10 beats, changes divided [ 4 : 4 : 2 [.  The pickup is the last chord in the last bar.  Here are the basic changes, omitting the 9ths, #11ths and 13ths added by the melody and the improvised lines.

[ Gmi7 : Ebmaj7 : Dmi7 [ Bbmaj7 : Ami7 : Fmaj7 [
[ Emi7 : Cmaj7 : Bmi7 [ Gmaj7 : F#mi7 : Dmaj7 [
[  C#mi7: Amaj7 : Abmi11 [ Ami11 : Ami11 : Abmi11 [
[ Ami11 : Ami11 : Abmi11 [ Ami11 : Ami11 : Ab13 9b [

Each mi11 sounds best if the 3rd and 5th is omitted.  The final Ab chord is synonymous with D7 9#.

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Last update: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 1:11 AM.