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Author David Luebbert
Posted 7/23/01; 11:14:37 AM
Msg# 2031 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2030/2032
Reads 2131

Good morning!

Andrew White, John Coltrane and I

I was vacationing with my family last week in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. While I was in D.C., I visited one afternoon with Andrew White so that I could purchase some of his amazing transcriptions of John Coltrane solos.

Andrew is a very accomplished tenor and alto saxophonist, oboist and electric bass player. Over the last 30 years, Andrew has tried to prepare transcriptions of every Coltrane solo that he has been able to locate. (Interestingly, I found one that he overlooked).  He's done it for every bootleg recording he has been able to find and adds transcriptions as the record companies find new Coltrane performances in the vault. He currently has more than 620 available.

He also has an interest in Charlie Parker and Eric Dolphy's work. He has done 300 Parker transcriptions and 20 of Dolphy's.

The transcriptions are really beautiful and easy to read. If you like to study Trane's music like I do, having these available is heavenly.

SongTrellis has already benefitted from the visit, since I got the changes for Billy Eckstine's I Want To Talk About You from the chord symbols Andrew provided in the transcription for one of Trane's performances of this ballad.

Andrew was very helpful and delightful to visit with when I dealt with him. You can order a catalog of all of his Andrew's Music products (CDs, pamplets, instructional materials plus all of his transcriptions) for $4.

You can reach him by phone at (202)526-3666. His address is

Andrew White
4830 South Dakota Ave NE,
Washington, DC 20017-2727

If you call, please tell him that SongTrellis directed you to him.

New composers

SongTrellis has three main parts where you can find musical materials: The Changes, The Rhythms and Our Composers. The Changes is the most popular department of the site followed by The Rhythms. Despite that, I root the most for Our Composers. I get really excited when a new person shows up and submits new work there.

Last week, Sid Thomas and Stefan Kac made their first submissions to the site. Their work is very accomplished and really worth listening to.

Sid's pieces are called Spinach and Toasted. Stefan's new piece is called 5-fer. Check em out!

New Changes

I was handicapped last week by lousy Internet connections last week when I was in that affected what I could send to the site. Despite that we have new:

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Last update: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 5:05 PM.