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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/4/00; 5:34:10 PM
Msg# 897 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 896/898
Reads 1957

It's time to tell the world what the SongTrellis Music Editor can do: Impressive things you can do with the SongTrellis Music Editor in two minutes. Any questions, send me mail:

New Rhythms

I've recently added two new rhythm families to The Rhythms. Added Kakilambe at 120, 140, 160, and 180 beats per minute. Also added Aconcon at 120, 140, and 160  beats per minute. When you listen to Aconcon it pays to listen with headphones or external speakers. There is a cool bass drum part that's not very audible when the rhythm is played thru a computer's internal speaker system.

New Changes

Two new Wayne Shorter tunes are here: Infant Eyes and Charcoal Blues. Also have Victor Young's When I Fall In Love. Scores are available for all of these progressions.

Have added scores for We Kiss In A Shadow, You Don't Know What Love Is, There Will Never Be Another You, Three Little Words, Without A Song, What Are You Doing For The Rest Of Your Life, When Lights Are Low, Joy Spring, JuJu, Klactovedsedstene, Naima, But Beautiful, Straight No Chaser,  and Stolen Moments.

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Last update: Saturday, November 4, 2000 at 5:34 PM.