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Author David Luebbert
Posted 8/17/00; 3:24:37 PM
Msg# 622 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 621/623
Reads 2200

Yesterday I helped Albert Chiu write his first musical composition. Albert is a Scout from Boy Scout Troop 618, a troop that I work with as an Assistant Scoutmaster here in Bellevue, WA. He needed to write a piece of at least 12 bars to earn his Music merit badge. We used the SongTrellis music editor to find an eight bar chord progression that he liked and then we repeated it twice to form the substructure of his composition. We then using the program we found notes that we thought sounded good and wrote the melody in about 90 minutes. Albert bettered the requirement by four bars since he wrote a 16 bar piece. Check out Song 8/16/00.

I liked Albert's progression a lot myself, so I wrote a tune of my own that used it last night. My composition is provisionally titled New 8/16/00.

This morning added Gershwin's Summertime and Coltrane's The Promise to The Changes. Since the weekend we've added rhythm tracks to 10 of the tunes in The Changes that previously just had chord-only renditions.

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Last update: Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 6:15 PM.