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Author Chuck
Posted 10/29/15; 9:43:29 PM
Topic Snowfall
Msg# 6030 (in response to 2184)
Prev/Next 6029/6031
Reads 422

Oct 29th, 2015 Hiram OH 44234 ~ Chuck here new member, I need a jazz slow ballad swing of Snowfall. However I saw Manhattan Transfer done in the key Eb E a cost of over $1,000. otheres in the key of A minor, & C and also your D flat. But at a a low cost. How do I change the key to one of these? I tried by ear and ended up in F minor to start and ended Snowfall in A flat. A big band version. for my Roland XV-88 keyboard. I live in a small town of Hiram OH 44234 Here is the clubs arrangement, a so so arrangement, but not a bright key D flat. I think Tony Bennett sings in that key. Also the m. T. arrangement was done by Rodger Emerson, however I can't fine any books of his arrangements for piano. Thanks, any suggestions? Chuck of Moderntones, Hiram, OH 442344 Snowfall 3 ~ I would post it but how do i do it. And change it to E Flat, ending in G minor, not F sharp. dont like that key. Any suggestions write me e m a i l moderntones at outlook d o t c o m

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Last update: Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 9:50 PM.