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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/10/13; 12:21:17 PM
Msg# 5937 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5936/5938
Reads 458331

SongTrellis plays Interval Animations

Any Tunetext score, which specifies a melody with chordal accompaniment, can be animated in an instant using a newly invented animation technique, which reports the melodic interval and harmonic intervals formed by every note in a piece at the instant they sound in the performance.

Here's an interval animation for one of my compositions The Shell Cracks Now.

To see how this was created:

  1. Follow this link to a Tunetext page for The Shell Cracks Now.
  2. Press the "Perform an Interval Animation" button, which appears in the middle button group that is positioned to the right of the music score on a Tunetext page, whenever a score is eligible to launch an Interval Animation (ie. it includes a melody track and a chord accompaniment track).

As an interval animation begins, a 2 x 2 display grid is displayed on the animation page.

As the animation plays, the content of the grid cells changes to identify the melodic and harmonic meaning of each melody note the instant that it begins to play.

Interval Animation Snapshot

The top row of the grid identifies the melodic interval by which the melody moved to reach the currently sounding note. The left top grid square displays an upward pointing arrow as the melody moves up, a downward pointing arrow as the melody moves down, and a horizontal arrow when the melody rides on the same pitch. The right grid square displays the name of the melodic interval that was traversed to reach the currently playing melody pitch, and colors the grid square background to show the color code for that size of interval jump.

The bottom row describes the harmonic meaning of that note. The bottom left grid square displays the name of the chord that currently sounds in the performance. The bottom right square displays the name of the harmonic interval formed between the current melody pitch and the root of the accompanying chord and colors the grid square background to show the color code for that harmonic interval.

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Last update: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 3:43 PM.