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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/10/13; 11:37:10 AM
Msg# 5935 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5934/5936
Reads 458041

I'll play it and tell you what it is later

As you listen to the beginning of the 'If I Were A Bell' performance on the "Relaxin" album, you hear Miles Davis tell his engineer Bob Weinstock I'll play it and tell you what it is later.

I've got lots of new SongTrellis technology to introduce, so I'm going to adopt Miles' attitude for a day, and quickly demo a lot of new things via links that point to the new good stuff. Later I'll loop back, as I'm able, and explain what I've done in greater detail.

That loop-back-to-explain may take a while to complete. If you want to ask questions about any of this before the more complete explanations hit, follow the Comments link that appears at the bottom edge of each home page posting . If you follow one of those links, that will launch the message in the Discussion group that is the source of that text and autoscroll to the Disqus comment box for the posting, where you can post questions or comments.

There's also a type-in box below that starts up a reply thread in the SongTrellis Song Discussions. That's best to use if you want to include a score or MIDI performance as part of your post. Disqus doesn't provide facilities for those kinds of inclusions yet.

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Last update: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 11:37 AM.