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Author David Luebbert
Posted 4/2/13; 1:11:36 AM
Msg# 5933 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5932/5934
Reads 1660

Music tool lore pages

There are a large number of different music tools available to be used on the SongTrellis site: the Tunetext page, the Tunetext and Workscore graphical Score Editors, Tonematrix, Play Rhythm, the Rhythm Web, Chord Grid, Interval Animations, full score animations, the Excerpt Service, the Harmonic Interval Palette, and the new Leap To Harmonic Interval page.

We now have a dedicated page that will serve as an index to pages that collect the lore that details how to best use these tools. The new Music Tool Lore link that appears on the SongTrellis site link bar will take you there.

I've completed lore pages for the Tunetext page, the Chord Grid page, and the Play Rhythm page. You can see there's a lot of work to do here.

The Chord Grid, Play Rhythm, and Tunetext pages all display a discreet "Lore for Best Use of" link towards the top of the page that will launch the proper lore page for that music tool.

I'm trying to capture everything that is known about how these pages can be used most completely and productively. Each lore page towards the bottom presents a comment box where you can type a comment to ask questions or suggest lore that should be added to the page.

Lore pages are all rendered in the form of outlines that allow me to hide the finer details of these facilities in collapsed outline headings within these documents in order to reduce the likelihood that I'll snow you with a blizzard of details. And you can collapse and expand headings of these documents, to focus on the subtopics that you wish to read about

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Last update: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 1:17 AM.