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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/9/08; 4:08:10 PM
Msg# 5566 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5565/5567
Reads 1284

Luebbert's Music Forecast - early December

On the Lala website, members can create a mini-playlist of tunes that want to strongly recommend to those who visit their Lala Profile. This is the first one I posted.

If you click on the greyed David L. text that appears below the Forecast Title in the Lala Player widget, you'll launch my profile page.

In this forecast you'll hear:

Trumpter Lee Morgan play his beautiful original, Melancholee, in a pensive mood that's a great contrast to his usual brash persona.

Brazilian vocalist and composer sing his Oceano.

Latin percussionist Milton Cardona play while he leads a chant that honors Odudua, the Yoruban God of the Earth.

Betty Carter, sing a naughty, sassy, rarely heard Cole Porter tune. It's the only track from her album, "Now It's My Turn" on Roulette Records, that easily accessed via the web. That whole record is mind-bendingly good. A used copy recorded on vinyl runs about $100 used.

The track I wish I could play for you is her "No More Words", where she takes a vocal solo on her original composition that brings to mind one of Miles Davis' strongest solos. Betty was a fierce, soulful lady!

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Last update: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 2:37 AM.