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Author mjazz
Posted 8/6/08; 10:50:19 AM
Topic Au Privave
Msg# 5505 (in response to 167)
Prev/Next 5504/5506
Reads 889

Here is an alternate progression from Sketch-Orks: F F#dim /Gmi7 C7b9 / F " / Cmi7 F7 / Bb " / Bb " / Fma7 Gmi7 / Ami7 D7b9 / Gmi7 " / C7 " / F D7 / Gmi7 C7b9 I wonder if it would be legal to show the pages themselves? They contain melodies and solos. The book says copyright 1956-67 Atlantic Music Corp, sole selling agent Cherry Lane Music Company. The Cherry Lane Music Co.'s website has a different address from the one in the book and has no references to Sketch-Orks.

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Last update: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 9:54 PM.