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Rita by Candlelight

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©1980, Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 6/7/08; 6:15:28 PM
Msg# 5469 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5468/5470
Reads 1243

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rita by candlelight

a smoke ring flies past misty eyes the kind that say, look out, i'm wise i've been through guys like you before and gave till my heart could bleed no more

a touch of blues in fragrant hues, the air surrounding just the two of us, within the crowd alone refreshingly dulls my sense of right from wrong, oh

and she's mellow as mountain moonshine soft as the northern lights warm as a first-time newlywed in afterglow at night rita by candlelight, rita by candlelight dash me with rays of amber bright, lighten my soul tonight

where's her heart now, i can't see she looks about so aimlessly than catches my eye so charmingly and whispers my name, disarming me

no i don't think she's teasing now perhaps she's not forgotten how to trust, and share with confidence well give me the chance, i'll be quick to make amends, oh

'cause she's mellow as mountain moonshine soft as the northern lights warm as a first-time newlywed in afterglow at night rita by candlelight, rita by candlelight dash me with rays of amber bright, lighten my soul tonight

rita by candlelight, rita by candlelight dash me with rays of amber bright, let soft, mellow warmth be mine tonight 'cause nothing quite makes me feel so right, oh rita by candlelight, rita by candlelight

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Last update: Saturday, June 7, 2008 at 6:57 PM.