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Author David Luebbert
Posted 7/22/00; 7:26:47 PM
Msg# 536 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 535/537
Reads 2075

I've been spending a lot of time adding rhythm tracks to the chord only progressions that are already offered in The Changes. Last Tuesday, I submitted chord and drum sequences for Beatrice, All The Things You Are, A Night In Tunisia, Au Privave, Bessie's Blues, and Airegin. Tomorrow afternoon I'll be able to submit another 10 or 15.

Also have added two new swing sequences to The Rhythms. Hi-Hat And Ride is the source of the rhythm tracks that I'm adding to many of my chord and drum sequences. Full Swing is a rhythm track that adds snare and bass drum patterns to the high hat and ride cymbal tracks in Hi-Hat And Ride.

I decided to use the simpler of these two for my chords plus rhythm sequences because the full versions seemed over-specific. If I reused it for multiple tracks I noticed it to easily, and it became irritating to listen to. The simpler rhythm sequence marks the time properly and swings enough that it is pleasant to practice with.

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Last update: Saturday, July 22, 2000 at 7:33 PM.