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Author David Luebbert
Posted 8/22/07; 12:17:35 PM
Msg# 5300 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 5299/5301
Reads 62634

Bernard's been busy

Bernard Chinn has been submitting new work in Our Composers that's worth listening to. On the 10th, Fionnula, a piece that features the flute. A week ago yesterday the 15th, Catriona. On Sunday, the 19th, a piano improv on the chord changes of Here's That Rainy Day.

If you are a vocalist or instrumental improvisor, listen to the improv, and then imagine that that Bernard ran an orchestra that could provide you with accompaniment for many interesting tunes. 121 of Bernard's Backing Track arrangements are already available for purchase in the Bernard Chinn subsite of SongTrellis.

The chord arrangements listed in The Changes on SongTrellis are computer generated and are great for getting a sense of how a tune works and are good to practice with. They are also a great resource for harmony study and for reference when you are composing new music.

Bernard's Backing Tracks for many purposes are a big improvement over the arrangements in The Changes, especially if you're goal is to perform these pieces in public.

Bernard has hand crafted every voice of his arrangements and has balanced the voices of the arramgement to make sure each track sounds right and has an appropriate feel for performance.

The tracks always include a chord acompaniment, with a bass line and percussion track and usually include orchestral flourishes that Bernard enjoys inventing for you, We provide a MIDI track that you can play on your computer, an MP3 version for your iPod or other MP3 player, and scores in concert key and transposed for Bb and Eb instruments, which document the chord progression Bernard uses for the tracks.

Because these tracks depend so much upon Bernard's musical craftsmanship, we charge a small $2 fee for each separate track. We can sell you his entire collection of 121 tracks for $35.00.

Bernard knows thousands of compositions and is willing to produce custom backing track arrangements for those who need them at very reasonable rates. If you're interested, please inquire here.

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Last update: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 1:01 PM.