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Author junnieboy
Posted 7/21/07; 8:48:39 AM
Topic Abakua (180 bpm)
Msg# 5274 (in response to 410)
Prev/Next 5273/5275
Reads 1037

Do not ever think that this was a waste of time, or you efforts have gone unnoticed.

How factual was this.....??? I'm learning to play Afro-Cuban music on congas. Not just sitting around in a circle beating on objects. No , really taking the Rhythms apart and dissecting their intricacies. Using the Bell, and Clave (Rumba not SON) to delineate timings and mark the various drum parts out in their respect places. This can a real source of confusion, but it's also the best way to learn music in my opinion. The songs on Web site help me do this in a major way. They provided enough additional detail to clear any question or difficulties. And they were also good to listen to.

Thank you so much for your efforts.

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Last update: Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 8:48 AM.