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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 4/22/07; 8:39:04 PM
Topic Impro. on changes of 'Sunny'
Msg# 5220 (in response to 5219)
Prev/Next 5219/5221
Reads 755

May I add a note here as an explanation to those who may have only recently joined the Trellis and don't yet fully understand the vagaries of copywrite law ? 

 Bernie's improvs are a very clever method of playing a number based on an existing copywrited tune without actually playing any of the lead lines...( verboten by copywrite law)..

  Bernie has produced dozens of works using this very dfficult technique. I have at least 3 different improv versions of his ' All the Things You Are' .. not to mention many 'street-legal' improv versions of some famous Brazilian tunes. 

 Suffice to say, Bernie is an absolute Master at a wonderful but what may perhaps be a dying art form in the music world..


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Last update: Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 8:39 PM.