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Author David Luebbert
Posted 3/12/07; 2:23:29 PM
Topic Bembe Shango (130 bpm)
Msg# 5180 (in response to 5179)
Prev/Next 5179/5181
Reads 1126

If you go to the entry for Bembe Shango in The Rhythms, a separate MIDI track is provided for each of the subparts of the ensemble.

If you follow the "SongTrellis Excerpt Service" link that appears on the pages for the subrhythms you can generate music notation scores for each of the parts. It's not orchestral percussion notation but might still be helpful when you listen with the MIDI track. You can also use the service to prepare versions of the tracks that slow down the tempo.

It is hard to map rhythm parts into the percussion sounds that are available in a General MIDI drum kit so that the parts can be heard distinctly. In this case there is a second bell part playing a repeated 3-4-1 pattern that somewhat obscures the character of the cowbell which plays Short Bell.

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Last update: Monday, March 12, 2007 at 2:23 PM.