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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/13/06; 12:44:29 AM
Topic Night Dreamer
Msg# 5038 (in response to 5037)
Prev/Next 5037/5039
Reads 1302

Azure, are you asking "how do I load a copy of the Night Dreamer chord changes into my workscore"? You're 'workscord' misspelling leads me to think that this might be what you're asking. Or are you asking how you can get a score of this that includes the tune's melody?

If you want to load a copy of the changes into your Workscore, follow the Excerpt Service link that appears on the Night Dreamer page in The Changes. Set the First Bar field to 1 and the Last Bar field to 16. Press the Play button and you will hear one complete chorus of the changes. Finally, press the Add Excerpt Chords button, which will copy the chorus of chords to the end of your current workscore.

If you are looking for a complete score which includes the Night Dreamer melody, there are three easily acquired sources for the tune's complete score. You can find it in Volume 2 of the Chuck Sher Real Book, in Jamey Aebersold's Volume 33 which presents Shorter's music, and in the Wayne Shorter: Artist Transcription book, which is a compilation of transcriptions of some of Shorter's better known solos.

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Last update: Monday, November 13, 2006 at 1:35 AM.