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For the Ages

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2006 Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 9/8/06; 8:34:05 AM
Msg# 4915 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4914/4916
Reads 2127

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a smile, when fond remembered can perpetuate the light 

that so faithfully illuminates one's way

and of yours it can be said, that a flame was resurrected

when i heard it in your laugh the other day

though the miles have long since rendered your affections dim and slight

how the pattern of consistency remains

for our plans may have diverged, at a time of lesser urgency

and now we see the frailty of our gains

for what is a life but a phrase now filling pages

woven through chapters of the heart that play as one

and if the wealth of tears and laughs, dwells in a single paragraph

scribed above, that's a love for the ages (2x)

the best i might remember, is the worst i could forget

of a child i can't relate to anymore

and of you iíd say the same, though i truly couldnít blame you

for the time i watched you fading from my door

as our chance return engagement takes an old familiar turn

toward the wayward same directions of our prime

though we still must say goodbye, now at last we say it eye to eye

and find weíve made the better of the time

for what is to love but to turn the flaming pages

knowing the words thereon will singe but never burn

and if the warmest of laments, swells from a fire still unspent

that's enough, it's a love for the ages

that's enough, it's a love for the ages...


(c) 2006 ryeside music (bmi)

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Last update: Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 6:39 PM.