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Demo for Scoble I attended a Geek Dinner here in Bellevue, Washington on Thursday evening. I was able to demo the SongTrellis Music Editor For Mac for Robert Scoble while were visiting after we ate. It seems that he liked what he saw. It's very cool to get this kind of encouragement. Robert runs the Scobleizer weblog. His book on blogging, Naked Conversations While we were visiting at the dinner, I showed Zach Graves how to compose using the Workscore pages by writing a small piece. He posted his first solo composition this morning. I believe this is the first time he's composed music. Anyone with a web browser can compose using the SongTrellis Workscore pages I didn't have a chance to show Robert the music creation facilities available in SongTrellis, the website. If you are a member of the SongTrellis site and use a Workscore (one is provided for free to any member) you can compose new music using one of the SongTrellis Workscore pages. I wanted to have a way for folks to play even when they don't own Macs or don't yet have a copy of the Music Editor. The three pages that make it possible to edit a Workscore are Workscore Chord Entry, Chord Entry By Grid and Workscore Composer Here's a recipe for composing using the Workscores. Bernard Chinn posts (and is) a wonder Bernard sells backing tracks through SongTrellis. He's a wonderful composer and improvisor. He's posted another improvisation on All The Things You Are. Every one he's done is different. The new one is my current favorite. Everytime he posts, I'm proud that he presents his work on SongTrellis. Here's Bernard's list of compositions in The Composers. The new one is number 70. When you listen to his work, you'll find that he's passionate about orchestral waltzes. Bernard lives in Birmingham, England and made his living performing in jazz and dance bands all around the country since the 1940s. He retired from active performance two years ago. He created his backing track collection of 121 tracks over a few months time in the latter part of 2004. He's in his eighties. If memory serves, I believe Bernard told me a few years ago that he served in the Egyptian campaigns during World War II. You do the math. blog comments powered by DisqusPlease join our community at SongTrellis. Our contributors welcome your comments, suggestions and requests. As soon as you join the site (or login if you are a member) a response form will appear here.
Last update: Saturday, January 28, 2006 at 7:41 AM. |