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Author Denny
Posted 3/16/05; 9:30:26 PM
Msg# 4526 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4525/4527
Reads 1231

I'm not young, but just a bit foolish.  Over the years and after a few moves I lost my copy of Young and Foolish (from the show Plain & Fancy).  I would love to get a copy but now not where to look.  Also, I have the lyrics to the "chorus" that everyone knows and loves, but cannot find the verse written out.  It starts "Once we were foolish children, playing as children play.....and then I  get fuzzy.

Don't know if I am talking to the right folks, but would love some help.  I am the conductor of a Master Chorale and wanted to spring this on my choir at a social gathering.

Denny (old & foolish)

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Last update: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 9:30 PM.