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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/29/05; 5:15:40 PM
Topic Straighten up and Fly Right
Msg# 4484 (in response to 4483)
Prev/Next 4483/4485
Reads 952

Thanks, Raymond. I didn't document this when I described the search for Straighten Up And Fly Right, but there is one other site that is important to check when you want to check for the performers of a particular tune, want to know who holds its copyright or who its composer and lyricist are.

The other site to check is BMI handles the performance rights for many composers of popular music, which includes rock, jazz, country, blues and folk.

BMI was formed as a competitor to ASCAP when musicians who compose in popular idioms felt that they were not getting proper representation from ASCAP. ASCAP prided itself on its roster of classical composers and composers of show tunes and movie music. Popular music folks at the time of BMIs founding felt that they were treated as if they were embarassing relatives by ASCAP.

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Last update: Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 5:19 PM.