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What About Me

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2004 Ryeside Music (BMI)
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 12/18/04; 12:57:25 PM
Msg# 4420 (top msg in thread)
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you're lonesome tonight, lookin' to be amused

so leave on your light, what've you got to lose

my funds, they are shy, two beers they won't buy

but i'll treat you right

the world that you found, where is it finding you

with no friends around, what are you gonna do

a wink and a smile, will waft you awhile

but soon let you down

you laugh, when in fact, youíre pained for the lack

of a plan to set you free

if i may suggest, it's time for the best

what about me


some guys love to fight, i am the peaceful kind

or dance through the night, flagging their big behinds

theyíll drink dusk-to-dawn, lay siege to your lawn,

and cringe come the light

while you tag along, sharing their empty world

where you donít belong, where are your senses, girl

with eyes half-aglaze, you sob through the haze,

some jerkís done you wrong

it tears at your heart, to play such a part

in their mindless vanity

but joy could resound for iím still around

what about me


i am no stranger to all the dangers

of feeling trapped in a cage of lies, sweat and rage

but still iím hoping, the door will open

to a straight and steady run on my stairway to the sun


the loves that you lost, never could i replace,

but where lies the cost, meeting me face to face

iíve served time alone, with hurts of my own

and none gone to waste

the lock on your soul is rusty and cold,

but i just might hold the key

youíve tried all the rest, itís time for the best

what about me


you are no stranger to all the dangers

of turning page after page of lies, sweat and rage

but keep on hopin', the door will open

to a straight and level run, on our highway to the sun


so hang up the phone, powder your pretty nose

and throw something on, maybe your sunday clothes

we'll watch m.t.v., make love, nine-to-three

and rave till the dawn

i'll plunk out a tune, weíll wail at the moon

and the song shall set you free

begone all the rest, it's time for the best

what about me

what about me, what about me


c. 2002 Ryeside Music (BMI)

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Last update: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 6:49 PM.