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The Home Game

Composer Napoleon Joseph Martin    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2004
Submitted by Nappy Martin
Posted 12/14/04; 7:07:28 PM
Msg# 4416 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4415/4417
Reads 2007

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it's a turnkey house on a landscaped hill,

says our half-page ad in the rag

never mind the foam by the septic dome,

such a bargain someone will snag

sure the price seems high but the rates are low,

the american dream yours at hand

and we trust you've come here to stake your bum, in the home game


shall we skip the drill, this foundation sill,

can be patched where you found the veins

and the pond we saw on the basement floor,

it's the slant of the outside terrain

say the roofing man and the siding team,

don't surrender your self-esteem

for a grand or ten, you can rise again, in the home game


here's your family lounge, there's your fireplace

martha's office is straight down the hall

your children on swings, the laughter they bring

and it all can happen right here, honey, letís do it!


when your ship comes in with a dorsal fin,

you can bet that somethingís awry

hatís it worth to know where our kids will grow,

an advantage you cannot deny

weíd be happy here, tell me, daddy dear,

that you wonít let this doll-house get away

and weíll plant a tree, you and moms and me, for the home game


i can see that you have reservations

where's your spine, the investment won't break you

what made you think you could settle right in

for a mere thirteen hundred a month -- we're not a charity


can't you see yourself on the mantel shelf,

flanked by those you've nurtured and loved

having earned your stead as a household head,

though the rains have their say from above

or will you resign to another client,

who can pay for the upgrades in cash

so you can't be blamed for the dearth of shame, in the home game


or will you resign to another client,

who can pay for the upgrades in cash

so you can't be blamed for the dearth of shame, in the home game

no, you can't be blamed for the dearth of shame, in the home game


c. 2002 Ryeside Music (BMI)


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Last update: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 at 1:51 PM.