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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 7/22/04; 10:14:42 PM
Msg# 4283 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4282/4284
Reads 1038

Dear Friends of the Trellis,
   I needed a break from scoring things with   B9 (b12 ) 's ....etc so I whipped up a crude but fun little compressed  guitar ditty based on an old Sousa tune ...
 {{ Composer's notes :  Make little duck quacks on each beat or whenever you find it fun to do so.  Offbeat all the D's followed by slashes with a plunk on the A string.    When in doubt,  ignore the stupid slash marks and just  march .. like in the old world. }}  
  " The Web -Footed Mini-March "   ( fake book version )
D / / / / / / / / / / / /  ,  Em7,  A
Em7 / / / . C /,  A  / /,   D / / ,  G  / /  C / , A
D / / / / / / / ,  Gb / /,  Bm  / /..
Gm7 / / / ,   D / /,  Bb  ( 1/2 rest ),   D
D  / / / /,  A / , D
My notation probably stinks and could throw you off,  plus I never play it the same way twice...still,   this actually is fun to play if you keep the tempo ' march brisk'.    Quacking is optional.
 Your friend,   Chas
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Last update: Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 10:14 PM.