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Author David Luebbert
Posted 6/15/04; 11:30:06 AM
Msg# 4230 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4229/4231
Reads 978

I did radio broadcasts from 1977 thru 1982 at KZUM, a small radio station in Lincoln, Nebraska that I helped to found. I helped with a program on Latin-American music, and did classical music broadcasts at 5am. The show I loved doing the most at the station was a jazz program I did several evenings a week that I called Blues, Thunder and Beauty.

Blues, Thunder and Beauty was the formula I made up to describe what I thought was great about jazz: the humor, sadness, directness of expression and personal testimony it inherited from the blues, the thunder of drums and the rhythms inherited from Africa, and the beauty the musicians found inside of themselves.

When I did my program, I brought down two big stack of records, one in a backpack and one in another pack I carried by hand. I picked the best stuff I knew about in those two pack loads and tried to bring those to the listeners attention in an interesting pattern, so that you could feel the similarities or the differences between the successive musical pieces.

On this site, I hope I can pull your sleeve to really great music that you may be unfamiliar with. I have a really deep knowledge about jazz so I'm going to write a lot about that.

But this site is connected to the World Wide Web and I love many different musics I've encountered that came from outside of Amurica, so I'll write about my reactions to those forms also. The discussion group is ON in this site, so I hope we'll have wonderful, respectful conversations about music here. I'm knowledgeable but not expert about other forms, so I hope the folks who converse here will teach me a lot that I don't know.

Let's finish the introductions: here's my biography. I spend most of my time working on my SongTrellis site, which caters to those who create new music and who want to learn about how to make it.

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Last update: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 11:30 AM.