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Victory Square

Composer Robin Lowenstein    (click to list other tunes)
Copyright Copyright ©2003
Submitted by Robin Lowenstein
Posted 5/7/04; 11:26:36 PM
Msg# 4193 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4192/4194
Reads 2515

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I started out writing this piece as an attempt to set my lyrics to music.  I used a program called Music Masterworks from Aspire Software, without benefit of a midi keyboard, being too cheap to invest in one.

As it turned out, I became so engrossed in making up variations to the music that I never got around to matching the music to the lyrics.  However, I later submitted those lyrics to a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation contest, and was fortunate enough to have them chosen by Michael Occhipinti, a highly regarded recording artist from Toronto, to be set to his music.  The song, along with all the other contest winning music was made into a CD called "All for a Song," and is being sold on the CBC website.

I'm not very satisfied with the drum track at the beginning of this piece, but
the slow introduction needs something to add a bit of tension and excitement.  Any suggestions would be welcomed.

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Last update: Friday, May 7, 2004 at 11:26 PM.