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Author David Luebbert
Posted 6/7/00; 7:24:06 AM
Msg# 405 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 404/406
Reads 2374

If you look at "Song Discussions" you can see that we've been real busy the last ten days or so. You can check there to see what's new on the site day by day.

Lot's of interesting new stuff:

Added several new animations to The Animations.

We have a version of the Bach Fugue in G We have two different animated versions of the changes of Bill Evan's Very Early, one using the standard harmonies and another with extended harmonies. We also have an animation of the changes for On Green Dolphin Street . There are animations of two of the tunes I've written: One Still Moment and Bonus Days

These were all generated using the SongTrellis music editor. If you haven't read about this, you can read a listing of the program's music composition and editing features at

In The Rhythms, I posted MIDIs for Bomba, Plena, Merengue, and Cumbia. Bomba and Plena are rhythms from Puerto Rico, Merengue is the national dance of the Dominican Republic, and Cumbia is the national dance of Colombia and is very popular in Mexico.

My son Matt and I went on another chord change binge and added 27 new MIDIs to The Changes. We'd like to have more than 200 chord progressions listed in another week or two. 55 more to go!

In this batch, we have:

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Last update: Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 9:11 AM.