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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 12/2/03; 4:04:04 PM
Topic At Seventeen
Msg# 3973 (in response to 3971)
Prev/Next 3972/3974
Reads 1832


Thanks for Seventeen. This is basically the same arrangement I've been using. For those who want to apply a little lead voice on guitar,....break the first C down into C9, C, Cma7, C,....then substitute a Fma7 for the Dm. They are both quite similar in this usage but you'll see the high E in the Fma7 provides a perfect voice for the melody. With this I'll shut up about the meat of the tune and let y'all take it from there....and for further fun, The wind-up Cma7 gets really rich if you use a Cma7/G. Just fret the bottom G below the C and strum up across all six strings. Very pretty, very powerful.


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Last update: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 4:04 PM.