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Author David Luebbert
Posted 3/15/03; 10:23:25 AM
Topic C Blues
Msg# 3580 (in response to 3575)
Prev/Next 3579/3581
Reads 1681

Joe, I think it would be good to have an 8 to 10 chorus blues sequence that emulates Nicolas' single chorus blues performance. I had forgotten about Band In A Box's MIDI reader, but your idea of using it is good. The newest BIAB release (rel 10?) has a MIDI import command on its file menu that is able to recognize chords in MIDI sequences pretty well.

 It does a good job of recognizing the progression Nicolas uses, a fancy jazz dressing up of the blues. I think it would be adequate to find a BIAB style that's not ugly sounding (most of them are, unfortunately), prepare a sequence of the proper length, save it as a MIDI sequence, make sure the result sounds OK on Web browser MIDI players and then post to the site.

What do you think? If this works, we might use the same procedure on some of the other more popular sequence's on SongTrellis to prepare the chords, with bass and drums versions that we should have out there.

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Last update: Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 11:19 AM.