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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 2/22/03; 11:06:50 PM
Topic Voice Leading
Msg# 3499 (in response to 3497)
Prev/Next 3498/3500
Reads 890


Since you are new to the site I suspect you haven't yet read David's explanations of copywrite problems vs providing lead lines with the trellis scores. 

This topic is an on-going bear based on legalities and potential law-suits and sadly,  has nothing to do with music..per se  ( " First, kill all the lawyers.."  is an ancient and honored quotation. )

I hope Dave sees this and sends you relevant explanatory entries from the past...Also, I'm not quite sure as to what you mean by ' large leaps'.

I also play guitar exclusively and I've found that learning to voice a tune using all 6, 5,  4 string chords is not only essential,  this gives one a large set of options that may allow for small or virtually no 'leaps' at all....if you are refering to physical left-hand neck work.

I'm willing to discuss this further off site if need be.  Chas.


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Last update: Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 11:06 PM.