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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 12/15/02; 9:47:35 PM
Topic Love Dance
Msg# 3234 (in response to 3178)
Prev/Next 3233/3235
Reads 1515


I'm sitting here going over the tunes you've sent to the trellis.  They make my toes curl and that's a good sign.  Hot stuff.

If I may offer a suggestion,  try constructing chords with a minimum of replicated off-tones...i.e...a simple Ma7-9  may suffice without tacking on a second Ma7 below and another 9th above....or whatever.

You got guts brother and I like what I hear but so had Eric Satie. He made nice tunes too.

Semper,  Chas.

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Last update: Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 9:47 PM.