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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/27/02; 10:10:46 PM
Topic Midi options for Yamaha digital piano
Msg# 3152 (in response to 3148)
Prev/Next 3151/3153
Reads 1429

I looked up the P-80 on the web to check its capabilities. It says that it's able to make MIDI connections with personal  computer software, so you should be able to attach it to your computer, most likely with a MIDI to USB connection.
Once it's attached, you should be able to record what you play on the P-80 by using  a sequencing program, like Cakewalk or Performer.
You should also be able to take a downloaded MIDI sequence, like the .mid files we provide on SongTrellis and use some kind of playback program or media viewer to route the sequence's MIDI instructions so that they are played by the P-80.

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Last update: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 10:10 PM.