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Author Justin White
Posted 11/15/02; 9:19:47 AM
Msg# 3094 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 3093/3095
Reads 1304

Hi.. I was looking at some of the past discussion and there is a bit of discussion on chord progression. I though I would share this site that I found awhile ago that has lots of charts of different chords that are known to flow into each other effectively and why. I find it helps me get my head around the basics of chords. I thought I would share it =).

By the way, my name is Justin and I just joined. I was looking for some good sites on music theory. I can sometimes get good results at random, but I don't understand music at all. I came across this site and decided to sign up.

The main reason I decided to pick up composing again is because I'm working on an RPG game called Gemini Rising with a program called RPGMaker. Most of the people i know who use this program usually use midis from other games and other artists. I decided that I didn't like that idea so I decided to pick up composing again after all this time. I used to compose for the MOD format when I was younger.

The website for the game, if anyone is interested is here:

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Last update: Friday, November 15, 2002 at 9:19 AM.