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Author Bernard Chinn
Posted 11/1/02; 3:51:18 AM
Topic Serenade
Msg# 3037 (in response to 3034)
Prev/Next 3036/3038
Reads 1376

Charles, I really appreciate your efforts, and have listed 5 of what I consider my best efforts. I have quite a lot of tapes, including broadcasts etc., but these are all subject to copyright restrictions. However I will try and record an original which might suit the occasion. Anyway, although my choice is bound to be flavoured by musical aspects which might not be apparent to everyone, I would suggest the following: Midnight Waltz (I like this for its simplicity) Concert Waltz Jacqumar Waltz Russian Waltz Spring Rhapsody Take your pick!! I will endeavour to do a 'live' original piano bit, bearing in mind that my inclination is towards jazz on this instrument. Hope that will be OK. I'll be in touch. Thanks again, Kind regards, Bernard

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