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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/31/02; 6:11:52 PM
Topic Beautiful Love
Msg# 3035 (in response to 3033)
Prev/Next 3034/3036
Reads 1784

This recent exchange between David and Farbalot prompts me to mention a book titled  ' The Complete Guitarist'  by Richard Chapman.

 ISBN 1-56458-181-0,   Copywrite '93,  Dorling Kindersley Limited,  London.  Dist...Houghton Mifflin...US.

For us six stringers,  this book has everything just short of the kitchen sink. Though it's much more fun to listen to David's midi expositions of scale relationships,  I highly recommend this flashy tome.

It may first appear to be a picture book but wade in and you'll find it contains more interesting esoterica than most college level music minors are exposed to.

The section on the various scales (international / inter-cultural in scope) obviously applies to any and all types of instruments and has been more than worth the over-due fines I pay my local library each month when I fail to get the damn book back by due date.

Given the sophistication of David's recent dissertations,  I'd be surprise to hear he does not already own a copy... ( ahem)..... David ?

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Last update: Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 6:11 PM.