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Author sid thomas
Posted 10/23/02; 1:54:53 AM
Topic someday my heart will awake
Msg# 2973 (in response to 2954)
Prev/Next 2972/2974
Reads 1505

Hello Graham, Charles, Dave etc

Just a word about Ivor Novello.  After Dylan Thomas he's the only other famous person to come from Wales (I'm Welsh too, but that's my problem).  As well as composing operetta-type musicals he was a bit of a heartthrob in his day.  Check out the movie Gosford Park - he's in it (I mean one of the characters purports to be him).  He wrote lots of rather nice lilting songs.  One of my favourites is My dearest dear.  As a song it's pretty soppy, but it makes a very satisfying bossa nova.  I could send some changes if anyone's interested.

Hwyl (that's Welsh for "cheers")


sid thomas

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