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Author Bernard Chinn
Posted 10/9/02; 11:24:59 AM
Topic Waltz Decimo
Msg# 2911 (in response to 2906)
Prev/Next 2910/2912
Reads 1204

Charles, Good as always to hear your comments, I tend to agree about the intro to 'Decimo' - I did think of rewriting this, but just couldn't find the inspiration. I am grateful that you spend the time to listen and advise on my small offerings. I don't really have any firm favourites in the classical area, being jazz minded at heart, but I have a soft spot for Borodin. I am working on yet another 3/4 perhaps slightly different in style, take another couple of weeks yet to complete. Could I be rude enough to ask where your home is - I sense Scandinavia but I could be wrong. I am English. Best wishes, Bernard

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