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Author Charles Schoonmaker
Posted 10/6/02; 12:02:00 AM
Topic Waltz Decimo
Msg# 2907 (in response to 2906)
Prev/Next 2906/2908
Reads 1298

Bernard, ....Alright already mit der Valztes !  You got dis schtick down cold.... and beautifuly so...  Now,  how about an upbeat take-off on Ravel's Concerto for Left-hand ?

Seriously,   I love hearing your work and it always brings me joy and makes me laugh in the best of ways.  Plus,  I doubt Ravel's 'Left Hand' can be successfully parodied.  It's too monumental in scope..

 Still,  the structural sophistication of your compositons begs my ear for forays into broader pastures.  If you write,  I will listen.

Musically,  I'm too far behind you to be of much help but I will say the MIDI version of the intro to Decimo (sp?) came across as overly Franz Lizst with 30 fingers instead of 10.  The rest of the piece works just fine.

If Ravel is not to your taste,  do you have a favorite composer you'd like to twiddle with  ?....for recreational purposes of course ..


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Last update: Sunday, October 6, 2002 at 12:02 AM.